
Published Clips

Thank you for taking a look at my published clips and links to my articles online. Whether you're here because you're an editor, a fellow writer, or a reader of my work in other magazines, I'm grateful you've dropped by! Here are links to my more recent writing:

Breakthrough Intercessor (Summer 2016)

Christian Courier, July 11 2016.

You can read the article in full, but in short, I write in this piece about the life of a lay leader in the US Military and the partnership between lay leaders and chaplains. I also, most importantly, include points for prayer.

The Christian Journal, June 01 2016.

EFCA Today: The story details the struggle of a bivocational pastor and how mentoring helped him succeed. The idea is dear to me as I value the mentorship I've received and been privileged to give.

EFCA Now: In this piece, I write about a small church in Libertyville, IL changing its name to better reach the community around it.

Evangelical Missions Quarterly (January 2014)

Sherwood Voice (Various from 2003-2005) - One of my favorite writing opportunities so far in my life was writing for the Sherwood Voice. I learned so much about being a journalist then and I continue to apply some of those early lessons to my writing even today.

My first byline appeared, perhaps ironically, in the Pentecostal Messenger. I had been working with a Pentecostal believer (Steven Massey) and wrote about the challenges and rewards of doing so as a Baptist.

I will post other clips as they become available. Thank you again for your interest in my writing!

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