
Reviews and Critical Acclaim

Edward Fudge, author of books and the popular e-newsletter GRACEMAIL, wrote about the 30 Days of Prayer for the Military

 Titled 30 Days of Prayer for the Military: How to Pray Fervently and Effectively for the Military (131 pages), Smith's book is focused, useful, and practical. Chapters 1-3 introduce the subject, explain intercessory prayer, and briefly summarize the author's own story. Chapters 6-7 point the way forward, offer specifics on making prayer for military service people and their families a congregational project, and speak to church leaders. Sandwiched between these chapters are 31 very particular prayers, one for each day of the month, with a short introduction that tells why each prayer is important in a military context.

But there is more. As I read these prayers, it occurred to me that with minor editing, they are also applicable to other contexts as well--professional, corporate, educational institution, and so on. 

Praise for Gluttony: A Study of Overeating in the Bible

Honest and sound advice. Many good strategies to put into practice. Perfect use of scripture for application. Hard topic but well done!

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