The Coming Revival

Since before I arrived in North Chicago, I've been hoping for a chance to witness to the city about God's love for them. Since then, I've seen one church close and no changes happen in the city. Oh, and I haven't done a single thing but sit around and wish away my day.

I've been reading a book on prayer and it tells me to pray specifically for something and expect an answer. So many days I drive down Martin Luther King BLVD or Green Bay Rd or Lewis Ave in North Chicago and I see people who need Christ.

So it is time to pray. Pray specifically for a revival in the hearts of those who claim to know Christ and an awakening in those who don't. I've prayed today...will I pray tomorrow?

Military believer, do you pray for the city you are stationed in? Or, like me, have you ignored those that need us most? Yes, of course this blog is to strengthen you and get you prayer cover from Christians around the country, but it's also for you to reciprocate and support the communities we live in. Please join me in praying faithfully for those we live around.


boilt frog said...

Book title?

Luke 11:1ff

Prayer seems so easy to do, yet it is so hard. It is the means to effect the harvest Mt. 9:37-38 and Jn. 4.

Your last sentence haunts us all.

The Navy Christian said...

The book is called, "Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders" by Dave Earley.

Great verses as examples. I appreciate them.

So far, I've prayed for this issue for four days. Let's see if I remember to pray tomorrow...

boilt frog said...

How long does it take to develop a habit? I heard about four weeks. (So Jay Adams's Four Weeks with God and Your Neighbor.)

I prayed briefly yesterday then wasted a good deal of time. Many resolutions, few successes. We should pray for each other to pray, a kind of meta prayer.

I wonder how well we would do if our jobs required us to pray and our employers could measure the amount? I think one negative performance review would get us moving. It is interesting that we put so much effort in our daily bread effort when we are told to pray for it. This has mentoring implications. Expatiate.



ps. thanks for the book title