Praying for North Korea

I can't get to North Korea to attempt to share the Gospel in the absence of the great leader. All I can do is pray, so I have been doing that. I've prayed in the past for the North Korean people, but big events like Kim's passing definitely spur me along. I freely confess that the last time I prayed this much for North Korea is when they launched an attack on an island belonging to the South several months ago.

What follows is what has been my general prayer for them over the last few days. Please feel free to add your prayers in the comments section.

Great sorrow and great events spur us to think about our own mortality. Please bring the North Korean people to an awareness that, though their great leader is dead, there is one greater than him who has died and can never die again. Please show yourself to them in whatever means are available and if possible, bring people to them who can share the Gospel in person. Please also bring about a regime change that will facilitate more people knowing about your son and how he is the only way to you.

In Christ's Name I pray,

1 comment:

Thomas said...

We hope that things will go well in North Korea and there will be peace at last in that region. We will add our prayers for this one.

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