MPW#7 Pray against Addictions

Ephesians 5:18
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

I gave up drinking on a recent deployment not because I was addicted (it would have been very difficult indeed to give it up in that case), but because I did not want to be addicted, and I was concerned that I may become as such. Add to that the fact that my witness, both to my family and my shipmates has become much better, and the benefits of doing that have been immeasurable. That brings up the reason for this morning’s post. Pray against addictions. They ruin testimonies and kill friendships. Worst of all, they destroy families, ripping them apart and stifling the growth of a Christian heart.

Too many of our servicemembers are addicts, either to work, alcohol, lust, gambling, or anything else that may be addictive. It is one thing to hope that your loved one won’t become an addict, it is another thing to ask God’s favor on the matter.

Father, I pray that you will protect my loved one from the ravages of addiction. I know the damages they can cause, both in your service and to my loved-one’s family. Please guide him/her into a relationship with you so as to protect them from a relationship with an addiction. In your holy name—Amen.

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